Thursday, January 17, 2013


I was pleased to read that Thomas, played with stoic perfection by Rob-James Collier, will be featured more in Season Three of Masterpiece Theatre's, Downton Abbey.  For those that don't know, Thomas is the only gay character on the series (at least that we know of) and he gets himself into all kinds of kinky little fixes.  I can't wait to see where the feud with O'Brian, the upstairs Lady's maid goes.


O!Daddie said...

.. excuse me.. O'Brian is a LADY'S maid... big difference and she is gonna nail his sorry ass to the wall.

I'd like to see the 'human' side of Thomas develop this season. He can't be all bad. Maybe he's so bitchy cuz he needs to get laid.

On a side note, Rob-James is so much HOTTER in real life than his character is.

miracleman said...

I stand corrected, O Daddy. Thanks. And I think that's what happens with hi character.

Girl Tuesday said...

MM, I can't wait to see what happens with Thomas and O'Brien! They are both pieces of work, huh? And I totally agree with O Daddy that he is super hot in rel life! Wow! Thanks for the great photos of him. :)