Friday, May 06, 2011


Sorry guys, but I have run out of good morning boner shots,  If you have any and would like to share, send them to my email address;  They must be in morning light or at least look like it, the subject must be on or near a bed or in a bedroom and they must also be somewhat aesthetically pleasing.  I will accept reader pics, if they match the criteria.  Check out past MORNING GLORY photos if you're still unclear.


Anonymous said...

so you're putting US to work. ha! it's only fair. i'll see what i can come up with.
it's been a great deal of fun catching up on what i missed this last week. you really do have a wonderful blog MM. i'm especially grateful it was the means by which we became friends.
cheers buddy!

miracleman said...

thank you so much, Ruggy. Looking forward to your pics. I am so glad this blog brought you into my life. Back atcha, buddy.

Love, MM