I'm not going to say good-bye, just fare thee well and I wish all of you happiness and may all your dreams come true. Our fledgling theatre company just received our non-profit number and we are getting ready for our first show this September. I leave for New York City on Sunday for a week of tourism and theatre going. Now all I need is someone to share all this with. Wish me luck or break a leg. Like I said I may post from time to time, but for the most part will not be posting on a regular basis. Email me if you'd like to keep in touch.
Tennis Tuesday: Andrea Pellegrino
2 hours ago
Congrats on the official non-profit status. Break a leg!!
I've so enjoyed your posts - and the writing too! I hope you'll find time to update us once in a while. In the meantime...I'm gonna miss you!
I, for one, will miss you, your posts and especially your amazing taste in pictures. Morning Rain Shower has become one of my daily visits. After I read your Wednesday post I copied all your stories so I could finally read them, which is something I always wanted to do.
I hope you succeed in your new endeavors and visit often.
Dearest MM,
Not good-bye, never good-bye...only adieu...for now! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the many glimpses of beauty.
I hope you find in NY all good things and people you need, you are looking for, and you deserve thoroughly.
Best feelings and luck for something like happiness.
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