Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Well, I got the job and will be starting this Sunday. I will also be moving down on Sunday morning. Gulp! So much change so quickly. I used to flow with change so much easier. I've had a lot of anxiety about this, but I know it's for the best. It is the change I have been longing for. Be careful what you wish for. Not sure about my internet connection, so there be a long delay until that gets resolved. Oh, and I love Paul Newman and miss his handsome self.


gp said...

Congrats on the new job! Hope you enjoy it, but what's not to enjoy when you get to sample and talk about great wine every day? I can't see any downside :).

Anonymous said...

congratulations and best wishes as u embark upon ur new position. i hope you will have the time and inclination to continue morning rain shower, especially ur stories because u are very talented and your posts are so enjoyable.

i appreciate that morning rain shower has a certain mise en scene and would never suggest u alter it but perhaps u might want to consider fielding the occasional question about wine. i, for one, would welcome ur professional comments and insights. bon chance!